The Children of the Street


wanting to go

July 29, 2000
- so then i gave a little (discreet) screamette, yowza, and rightaway took several friends out to dinner... and now i am thinking i might go to transylvania to do the thing i have been wanting to do for ages...

and then going

Aug. 25, 2000
- i found him searching through garbage. i followed him for a while, watching. what was he looking for. a mother with a kid, the kid pushing a bicycle, passed. he watched them pass...

Sept. 5, 2000
- they took my bicycle, gyuszi says to me. i know, i say to him. we're walking down the street. he sighs and takes my hand...

Sept. 6, 2000
- one day, when the children were at the playground, a hungarian man came out from one of the houses and beat them with a whip. stinking gyspies, he said, get away from here...

and then going again

Sept. 28, 2000
- hell on earth. the trainstation at nagyvarad at 1.30 am. sleepy infowitch through dirty infowindow mutters 7.30 am. train to vasarhely...

at home

Nov. 20, 2000
- eviction. cold and hunger aren't fictional. you don't get to play at all...  

Dec. 12, 2000
- i need to go back, i do. i am arranging for a ticket today.


Grandfather Gets a House


back in budapest

Dec. 14, 2000
- zoli didn't have the money to take the bus here from romania so now he is going to hitchhike...

and then in romania

Dec. 20, 2000
- 10am, am beyond physical sensation, lajos-th leans me against wall, then staggers to bathroom to distil in the pisswarmth, out, eh-lizabet, eh-lizabet (hungarian pronounciation) most beszeltem egy emberrel...

a casket, christmas and zoli

Dec. 26, 2000
-seeing as i prefer a bathroom i can actually enter without barfing. but then when we got on the train,it turned out that the 1st class only existed in the ticket sellers imagination, and now her pocket, i presume...

i get sick and then better

Dec 30, 2000
- zsuzsa came running back too. she started to cry. then melinda started to cry. so then we were all having a good cry alltogether...

now a decision

Jan. 7, 2001
- grandfather and i talked it over. he says, not to worry. he says, the children will eventually be gravitating to his house, anyways. and that it is better this way...

home again

Feb. 5, 2001
- so now janoska has been locked up for two days, and mihaly doesn't have the money to pay the fine...

April 5, 2001
- i am addicted. i miss romania. racist xenophobic sexist romania. so in your face. at least there, i know what i am looking at...

May 8, 2001
- i never said you were a racist and nationalist idiot. please do not misunderstand me. what i said is that we all carry the seeds of such within...

June 8, 2001
- he is a liar, she said. i could hear her think: all gypsies are liars...

June 21, 2001
- fuck the rich...

July 11, 2001
- so then katika comes to the phone. so what are you doing, katika. i'm reading a book. i have a book she says. what's in your book, i say. it's a book with stories...